TheRatmeister's latest activity

  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Fantasy T maps.
    I've been convinced, I'll be sure to add it to the next iteration. Unfortunately I suppose I'll need to change the CR/BL cross...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister reacted to Equilibria's post in the thread Fantasy T maps with Like Like.
    That's the plan. I've seen better images somewhere, but this one does the job. The reconfiguration of the 20/117 Interchange will build...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Fantasy T maps.
    If you wanted a park and ride you'd probably need either another exit on 128 or a half mile connector following the tracks. For the...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Fantasy T maps.
    Are you referring to merging the the Aqua Line into this new Wonderland-Watertown Line? In my head the Aqua Line is median running light...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Fantasy T maps.
    Now featuring wider RL stop spacing to make Cambridge look better, a couple changed station names, a couple fixed mistakes, and a new...
    • Illustrator_Fantasy_Map v1.1.jpg
  • TheRatmeister
    Additional Braintree service probably shouldn't come at the expense of (admittedly limited) through service, but if it would allow...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Biking in Boston.
    Oh, and just a fun stat, based on these numbers (1), (2), there are around twice as many daily bicycle trips made in Groningen, a city...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister reacted to as02143's post in the thread Biking in Boston with Like Like.
    yeah - like I mentioned - i think it's a function of being in a place where people are most concerned about "their time" being "money."...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister reacted to Stlin's post in the thread Logan Airport Capital Projects with Like Like.
    Although, if you trace the corporate lineages, it tells a more interesting story. For example, ultimately America West, and it's...
  • TheRatmeister
    "Experts now say" what they said before the law passed too.
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Biking in Boston.
    Ah, I've barely been to Amsterdam (And frankly I don't mind keeping it that way) so that makes sense. I'm speaking mostly from the...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister reacted to as02143's post in the thread Biking in Boston with Like Like.
    Your response indicates that you do talk about Europe as monolithic. Italy, Hungary, and soon the Netherlands are now making their...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Biking in Boston.
    I can tell you this is just not true (everywhere). One particular intersection on my commute I frequently see cyclists go clear through...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister reacted to Koopzilla24's post in the thread Biking in Boston with Like Like.
    Yes I should have explicitly included enforcement in there, in my head it was part of that "infrastructure that prevents dangerous...
  • TheRatmeister
    TheRatmeister replied to the thread Biking in Boston.
    I don't think I've ever seen someone yell at a pedestrian, but you're right that I also rarely see cyclists stop at zebra crossings...
