New Red and Orange Line Cars

NETransit roster updated for the first time in a month-and-a-half. . .

No new Orange Line cars accepted into service since March, so the active roster is still set at 106 (17 sets + 4 spare cars). 10 cars are in-testing however, meaning we're not far off from having 19 sets. Pace of deliveries is still agonizingly slow, 2 per month in March and May and 4 in April.

Red still at 14 cars (2 sets + 2 spare cars). 6 cars are in-testing, so we're not far off from having a third active set. Interestingly the in-testing ranks jumped all the way from pair 1916/1917 delivered March to 1930/1931 delivered April. Meaning there must be quite a sizeable backlog at Springfield near-ready to be shipped.
