Pinnacle at Central Wharf (Harbor Garage) | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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Per Cameron Sperance (Bisnow) on Twitter, Chiofaro has filed this project.

Name is "Pinnacle at Central Wharf". Doesn't look much like a pinnacle to me. Kind of chunky, actually.


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Well this was a long time coming!

I will say, slender was probably the way to go here, and I wouldn't call this much of a slender tower..
I'm sure that hulking tower will open up splendid views of the harbor once the garage has been razed. (insert sarcastic icon here)
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This looks like exactly what you would expect when you cap the height of the project; and the project has huge sunk costs to recover like the garage purchase, long-term legal fees and the cost of sinking a deep harborside garage underneath.

Maximum square footage on the site.
Far more striking than I was expecting. Can't say the dude is cutting corners with this proposal.

(okay, now on cue lets have stellar tell us how Don is one step from being broke and homeless in 5....4....3....2...) ;)
Google image search suggests "tower block" as the search term for the second image which I think is accurate. This is going to get ripped apart in permitting.

A few thoughts, [1] I like the step backs and lighting, god knows we need more buildings with some sort of texture and architectural lighting, [2] I also like that it appears to be all one facade material and not some weird mix of materials, [3] whoever was managing these renderings did not pick the building's most flattering angles, or lighting, it looks like it should be in Gotham with that lighting and the dramatic angle, and [4] if these are not the worst angles then this building really is a beast.
He seems to have had KPF design a logo for him, too.

I'm liking this more with the detailed renders. The last version wasn't this classy. Interestingly, this isn't very much like KPF's other skyscrapers - the last version was basically Hudson Yards North - but it's a little closer to Eschelon, their only current project in Boston.
I feel like the renderings are definitely making this look shorter than it will be in reality (At least the few close-ups), or is that just me?
This looks like exactly what you would expect when you cap the height of the project; and the project has huge sunk costs to recover like the garage purchase, long-term legal fees and the cost of sinking a deep harborside garage underneath.

Maximum square footage on the site.
Yup. What an awesome surprise for the region's coldest calendar day!
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This looks like exactly what you would expect when you cap the height of the project; and the project has huge sunk costs to recover like the garage purchase, long-term legal fees and the cost of sinking a deep harborside garage underneath.

Maximum square footage on the site.
Yeah. It's a nice building, maybe really nice, but it's not going to give us the promised view and harbor access found in some of the earlier designs. I don't blame Chiofaro for this result -- he was put in a box that pretty much required something like this or bulkier. Definitely an improvement over the garage, but what might we have had with a better permitting process!
Whats the official height here? It lookks higher than 600ft... almost 650ft-700ft

Love the design, they definitely spent a careful amount of time on this project. It is very very well crafted. This tower would also be ideal for an observation deck.
- but it's a little closer to Eschelon, their only current project in Boston.

I was going to say that the facade reminds me of Eschelon (in a good way)!

The building also reminds me (a bit) of a wedding cake.
Whats the official height here? It lookks higher than 600ft... almost 650ft-700ft

Love the design, they definitely spent a careful amount of time on this project. It is very very well crafted.

I believe 600 feet is the hard cap. It's probably why the crown looks so low-profile.
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